Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Splashing Good Time

The girls are really enjoying the river this year. Even though we have riverfront, I never took them down to play by or in the water. I guess there were too many other things to do, traveling, berry-picking, bird-watching, gardening. The river level has been very low so we have a bit of beach this year (unlike last year's unusually high water). The girls have been making sand castles, finding snails, and pretending a driftwood log was a ship. I found them some "oars" and we had some fun with them.

I have seen kids playing in the water, but never took the girls because of the mosquitoes and the cold. I just don't relish exposing that much skin just to go in a cold river. Yet today was so hot that I didn't feel like holding the girls back. So we went and the girls really enjoyed splashing around with the other kids. I even got my feet a little wet which felt wonderful until my mosquito bites started to itch.

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