Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tundra Sunset

Tundra Sunset
is tropically sweet
full of desire and desire
ever drinking, never quenched
voice of God calling me
in aching tones of love.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

What's New

Sara just made her first phone call. She called to see if her friends Bethany and Brianna could come over. Unfortunately, they were at the basketball game at the gym. Sara loves to write letters to her Grandmas.

Abby's sewing skills are improving and she is beginning to led Miriam in their devotions. Abby also learned how to use our camera to take a picture of her new stuffed giraffe and has mended that same giraffe.

Miriam is always up to something. This week she has improved her writing and is trying to write letters to Grandpa. She used a drawing book to draw a squirrel. She is also working on dressing herself to go outside and play in the snow.